Read more about the article Antarctic Treaty Territorial Claims. The Environmental Impact and Future Challenges.

Antarctic Treaty Territorial Claims. The Environmental Impact and Future Challenges.

What’s really happening in Antarctica? This icy frontier isn’t just a desolate wasteland—it's a geopolitical hotspot with untapped resources that could change the world. Countries are quietly staking their claims, but what does that mean for the future? As the Antarctic Treaty faces a critical review in 2048, the question looms: will this pristine wilderness remain protected, or will corporate greed and resource wars take over? Discover the hidden battles beneath the ice and why the fate of Antarctica could impact us all.

Read more about the article Antarctic Field Training – Scott Base
Antarctic Field Training - Ice Field

Antarctic Field Training – Scott Base

Antarctic Field Training (AFT) near Scott Base is an essential and unforgettable experience for new arrivals. This compulsory training goes beyond mere survival skills—it's a blend of challenge and camaraderie that introduces you to the raw beauty and harsh realities of Antarctica. While the cold and exertion are real, so too is the sense of achievement and connection with others. AFT is more than just a requirement; it's an exhilarating rite of passage that you'll likely appreciate and remember fondly.